Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Aviation course in JNTU-K

JNTU-K – Jawahlal Nehru Technological university – Kakinada, will offer 4 year international integrated masters degree in Aircraft Maintaining technology form this academic year for intermediate passed eligible candidates,  entrance will be based on an all India national level entrance test.

This program is based on an agreement with the university of highlands and islands, Scotland and the MAS-GMR.
The students attending this course will attend classes for 2 years in JNTU-K, and the remaining two year inn selected foreign university.
It is learned that the total free for the program will be around 60 Lakhs, and for the rural student it would be 25 Lakhs, for more information relating to free and other information , applicants can contact JNTU-K.

Stray dogs menace in Kakinada

The menace of stray dogs has assumed serious proportions in Kakinada,  with many rabies cases, in Andhra  Pradesh, during these weeks this year 12,800 people have reported dog bites. the death of an eight year old girl  Anusha due to non availability of rabies vaccine at a government hospital.
Every day, hundreds of people, including a large number of children, are approaching hospitals with bleeding wounds by stray dogs.

“People who are receiving the vaccines are lucky because those sent back by the hospital staff citing non-availability of the vaccines have met a horrible fate”

Today see the street s of Kakinada, we find a large number of stray dogs, who is responsible for this menses,  It is ok to “ Animal Birth Control” operations for dogs will it solve the problem, does  a stray dog which goes mad , will not bite a human if operated.

Daily how many chicken, pigs, goat are cut for food, what is it  harm in killing stray dogs which are harmful to human, human life is more precious.

Let these dogs bite the family members or children of these animal protection activists, how can these dogs have the chance of attacking these people as they mostly travel in cars, where as the common man is suffered.

Citizen should take a decision, and protect themselves.

The municipal authorities also should take preventive steps.

Mr. Babu Ahmed took charge as new Joint Collector for East Godavari District

Mr. Babu Ahmed  took  charge as new Joint Collector for East Godavari District  on 20 , June Monday this seat was vacant for prat 2 months, . Ex-Joint Collector Mr. Kone Sasidhar was relieved on 20 April and he is posted as VUDA , chairman.

Better Kakinada team welcome mr. Babu Ahmed, to Kakinada, and we wish him all the best .
We hope that this young dynamic office will serve the poor and needy.