Wednesday, 22 June 2011

special officer of Kakinada municipal corporation - Mr. Babu Ahmed

Mr. Babu Ahmed  took  charge as  special officer of Kakinada municipal corporation, on Wednesday, 22 June, 2011, he is also   Joint Collector for East Godavari District. This seat was vacant for past 2 months, . Ex-Joint Collector Mr. Kone Sasidhar was the jc and special office of KMC, he was relieved on 20 April and he is posted as VUDA , chairman.

Mr. Babu Ahmed went round the KMC office and visited all sections , and gave suggestions to all the staff, regarding the extension of good services to people.
Later he found unused furniture, which was replaced by new furniture which the staff are using, he directed the officials to send the unused furniture to corporation schools.
This was a welcome gesture of this officer, so, let us hope kakinada will shine more with such officers.
Keep it  up Mr. Babu, lot of irregularities are there to be check in KMC, let us  hope that one by one every thing will be set to order.

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